Equip OC

Equip OC provide facilitatory, logistical and operational support to companies in the experiential learning / learning and development fields.

The Challenge

Equip OC had an existing WordPress website which had not been updated in a while, with outdated content. Offering a bespoke service which expands far beyond Cumbria, they wanted an online presence with a website which was simple, clean and offered a clear method of contact.

With time restraints and work which takes them on the road (and in the air) regularly, the site would need to be built flexibly and with scope to grow in content. The main objective was that the website and related social media presented Equip OC as professional and capable.

Our Solution

We took the time to chat with Duncan Shaw, owner of Equip OC and understand his requirements. Understanding the sheer scope of what the business does and the adventures it takes them on led us to think about the design as clean but with a hint of adventure. As a business which typically attracts people who are already familiar with what they do, we decided to use powerful stock photography and designed a website which was heavier on photography than text. This more accurately presents Equip OC who, more than anything, are passionate about what they do.

The journey is not over. Working with such a well-traveled client has it’s drawbacks as time can be an issue. So collectively we took the decision to get a well-built, fresh WordPress site up and out there. However, watch this space – there are case studies to be added, a login for partners to access policy and procedure documents. Using WordPress we have built a site which is flexible and can grow in any direction Equip OC decide to take it.

Get in touch

We’re easy to talk to and we don’t (and won’t) talk jargon. We like to keep things simple.


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