Sustainability Policy

Freshspace Ltd is committed to protecting the natural environment and making continual improvements in the management of our environmental impact. We strive to improve our understanding of environmental issues and share good practice with other organisations.

We comply with applicable environmental legislation and regulations and where possible contribute to environmental growth.

This Sustainability Policy outlines our individual and shared responsibilities to ensure that the aims and objectives of the policy are met.

We are committed to:
  • Regularly assessing our areas of environmental impacts, in the present and in the future
  • Auditing our compliance with legislation
  • Striving for continuous improvement

Goods and Materials

Where possible we will source goods and materials locally, thereby reducing emissions and positively influencing the local economy.

We will endeavour to work with the most ethical suppliers we can find to promote environmental sustainability.

Rather than replace or dispose of broken or unused items of equipment, we will explore options for repairing or repurposing them.

Green Hosting

Our hosting provider host within some of the most efficient data centres in the UK, using free cooling, hot/cold isle containment, 100% renewable energy, a PuE (Power usage effectiveness) rating of 1.2 and environmental management policy externally assessed to ISO 14001 standards.

Our hosting provider are a registered green hosting provider – making our own hosting green too.

Energy, Waste and Water

The consumption of energy and water, and the creation of waste, is to be reduced wherever possible.

When new products are to be purchased, their efficiency and energy consumption will be reviewed and factored into any decisions made.

We will seek low-carbon and renewable energy suppliers where it is appropriate to do so. providers.


Through use of a home office we will negate the need to commute and reduce our environmental impact.

By the use of virtual meetings, we will reduce the commuting time visiting clients or prospective clients to a minimum, thus reducing our carbon footprint.


We will investigate the environmental impact and provenance of any equipment to be purchased, with a view to reducing this impact where possible.


We will use our website and other channels to engage with, educate and inform our stakeholders about the work we do, and limit the use of paper communication to a minimum.

Strategy and Performance

We will be prepared to meet any future legislative requirements by future-proofing our activities and remaining as resource-efficient and environmentally progressive as possible.

We will meet any relevant regulatory requirements so that customers/clients can be confident that they are supporting an organisation that is contributing positively to our local environment.

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