With a popular store in the heart of Ambleside, selling online is a complimentary aspect to the business for Ambleside Sheepskins. An existing WordPress website was in place but it was not easily accessible when making changes or managing the online shop and products. It had gotten to the point where simple changes and updates to content were just not happening. In order to accurately manage stock online and have an online presence which directly reflected the Ambleside Sheepskins store, direct access to easily update the website was required.
We built a new website using WordPress and WooCommerce for the e-commerce aspect, reflective of the previous design but with more focus on the backend of the site. The backend platform was customised to ensure that it was accessible and intuitive to use; with all functionality required on display and anything which could cause confusion hidden. Giving the owner of Ambleside Sheepskins full access to the backend and supporting him in being able to update the website 'on the go' as well as at a desktop, allows a more current site with products managed more simply. The new website enables business focus to be wherever it is required at the time - whether that be face-to-face with customers in store in Ambleside or through online sales.